Hey I'm Candice

A frontend developer, travel enthusiast and practising minimalist.

Working with my hands to make magic happen on the internet.


Accessibility Project

My first challenge of the course: Use semantic html to modify in order to make it more accessible to users.

See my work
Visitor Information

My work on using form and button function in html

See my work
Travel california

My work using bootstrap.

See my work
CSS Snippet

My notes for CSS Flexbox using grids and cards, in addition to hover and box shadow in CSS.

See my work


HTML 80%
CSS 70%
JavaScript **
PHP **
WordPress/CMS **
Photoshop **

About Me

I’m a Front-End Developer located in the United Kingdom, born and raised in Hong Kong. I have a serious passion for photography, video-editing and creating intuitive, dynamic user experiences.

Well-organised person, problem solver, independent employee with high attention to detail. Fan of travelling, outdoor activities and sports.

Interested in working on ambitious projects with positive people.

Contact us